Our 12th Annual Specialty Match,
held at the Cookingham home, on June 15, 2008.
Our judge was Janyce Selkin. Thanks Janyce!
Scarlet, Paws Up |
Liam, gonna be a movie star |
Tutu, Costume Winner |
Donald, Costume |
Laser, BAIM |
Cubby |
Natalie chillin' with Obike |
Eccho and family |
Fern, High Score in Match |
Laser, Rally |
Scarlet,Rally |
Lulu, Rally |
Emmy Rally |
Sue, Emmy, feathers on fishing line |
Kunjo's opinion of the breed ring |
Maggie taking some shade |
Donald, Best Yodeler |
Tutu, again |
Best Wrinkles Contest |
Fern Paws Up |
I just wanted to take a moment or two to recap my experience and appreciation to your club for inviting be to be a "judge" and experience the breed in a way I have not gotten to do before and to meet such a wonderful group of people!
When I arrived yesterday morning, I really was in a bit of a quandary because I left Dad home on Father's Day to fend for himself in the midst of an internet crisis that could have greatly affected his business and he was a bit miffed that I left saying I had a commitment! Low and behold the crisis resolved itself and I was able to relax and enjoy myself amongst a group of wonderfully beguiling dogs and people.
My breed (Briards even though I was there with a Border Collie, she is an imposter!) is a very independent stubborn thinking breed and I thought the only breed that had these endearing qualities. What I love in my breed is their unpredictability and their desire to find purpose in everything they do. Well, I found and experienced another breed that is this way although not from the same group at all! I loved each and every one of your dogs and loved their temperaments and personalities that shined through with them all. I loved the way each of you cares for and loves you dogs interacting with them and with each other!
I loved the wrinkles contest and the musical sits and downs and the costume contest oh my!! And how hard everyone tried to do the rally-o! But most of all, the breed show! It was fun, hard and you all did such a great job with your babies. It was truly an eeney meeney miney moe! You have beautiful dogs and they are a fun breed and they were truly troupers through the entire tiring day! By the way, the one thing, since I have a herding breed that impressed me the most about Lazer, who I chose for best adult in match was his movement! I just could not take my eyes off of him! They all moved nicely, yes Caesar too when he did not think he had too! LOL But kudos to Karen for keeping him in such good shape and showing him to me! I really appreciated it. Cherry was no slouch either and little Tutu! Hey what about that Fern who I had to take at least one point off for in rally-o? Wasn't she just the cat's meow at five months old? Good training Susan!
I hope I get the pleasure of seeing you all again and some of you in agility, obedience and breed shows in the future! Once again thank you so much for asking me to do this!
And oh, least I forgot the most important thing! Thanks so much for my Black Briard stained glass, it is in my dog room as we speak and it is beautiful! Snoopy says it is a good image of her but Woody argues that it is him really! Lynus however, cannot figure out why there is no white on her face because for sure it is her! (that is my Border Collie you guys had the pleasure of meeting!)
Janyce Selkin and the P'Nutz Gang (P2 too)
Created: June 21st, 2008
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